by AfriForum | Sep 15, 2020 | Media statements, Neighbourhood watches Media statements
The Hessequa branch’s neighbourhood and farm watches on 12 September participated in various training modules, among which firearm handling, personal protection and self-defence. Members of the Riversdale Central and Aalwynfleur neighbourhood watches, as well as the...
by AfriForum | Sep 14, 2020 | Community Affairs Media statements, Media statements
The AfriForum branch in Upington recently cleaned up the subway in the CBD in cooperation with Walker Midas and Sakkie se Arkie. This subway is located in the main street of Upington where many vehicles commute daily. Refuse heaping up in the subway presents both a...
by AfriForum | Sep 14, 2020 | Community Affairs Media statements, Media statements
The AfriForum branch in Centurion on 12 September proceeded with the clean-up of the Montague Kneen Park in Valhalla and numerous community members assisted. AfriForum directed a number of letters to the Tshwane Metro regarding the state of the park and also requested...
by AfriForum | Sep 14, 2020 | Media statements
AfriForum’s Malalane neighbourhood watch received patrol equipment. This equipment includes reflective jackets, patrol magnets, patrol lights and flashlights. AfriForum’s patrollers are trained in the equipment that can be used during patrols. Throughout South Africa,...
by AfriForum | Sep 11, 2020 | Safety Media statements, Media statements
AfriForum’s Malalane neighbourhood watch recently sent two drone pilots for training in Orania. These pilots will in future support AfriForum’s neighbourhood watches in the Lowveld during safety operations. Hommeltuie has already been used quite successfully during...
by AfriForum | Sep 11, 2020 | Safety Media statements, Community Affairs Media statements, Media statements
AfriForum’s Standerton branch held its #VegEnBou week in the town from 7 to 11 September. Branch members, volunteers, local businesses and school learners worked together throughout the week to clean up the town and create hope in the community that is especially...