South Africa is classified as a water scarce country. Solutions need to be found to address the unique challenges where the sustainable management of fresh water sources are concerned. Growing pressure on existing drinking water and sewage infrastructure contributes to the country’s impending water crisis and added to that, no upgrades are being done on the country’s water resources through the building of newer and bigger dams.
AfriForum enables communities to protect themselves from poor service delivery by the state, especially where the supplying of water is concerned. Several AfriForum branches have already installed emergency water points where clean drinking water is available from private sources and the organisation sees to it that municipal boreholes are repaired when a crisis occurs. However, these efforts aren’t sufficient and AfriForum urges community members who want to make a difference to make their facilities available.
Persons who are willing to have an emergency water point installed at their residence/business are requested to supply the following information:
AfriForum will contact you within the next two weeks with information on how to proceed. Please be aware that it’s not possible to assist everyone at once and that the process to install water points will take time.