Media statements, blogs and reports
Click on any of the links below to download the applicable document.AfriForum’s Welkom branch places Matjhabeng Municipality on terms
AfriForum’s Welkom branch placed the Matjhabeng Local Municipality on terms on 15 August over raw...
AfriForum lays criminal charge to stop mine application close to national park
The civil rights organisation AfriForum intensified its campaign against the planned coal mine...
AfriForum’s Springs branch renovates old-age home’s dining hall
AfriForum’s Springs branch recently renovated the floor of the dining hall at the Rus ’n Bietjie...
Nersa follows AfriForum’s advice
The National Energy Regulator of South Africa (Nersa) on 8 August 2019 announced the increased...
AfriForum report: Much room for improvement at Gauteng municipalities
The civil rights organisation AfriForum presented its analysis of...
AfriForum welcomes granting of leave to appeal for Coligny two
AfriForum welcomes Pieter Doorewaard and Phillip Schutte’s special leave to appeal directly to the...
AfriForum ready to submit comments on destructive NHI bill
AfriForum is ready to submit comments on the National Health Insurance (NHI) bill as soon as the...
Land claim process watered down to a cheap lotto game
It is with great concern that AfriForum takes notice of the R1,7 billion that was paid to 37 920...
Addo and Kirkwood areas vulnerable to farm attacks
The civil rights organisation AfriForum is making a plea to the Addo and Kirkwood communities to...