Media statements, blogs and reports
Click on any of the links below to download the applicable document.AfriForum, Solidarity approaches international sporting bodies to stop political interference in sport
AfriForum and Solidarity will submit its report...
AfriForum establishes branch in Bloemfontein North
The civil rights organisation AfriForum established a...
AfriForum branch in Newcastle replaces stop signs
The AfriForum branch in Newcastle recently replaced...
Chris Hani Municipality dumps raw sewage into Stormberg River; AfriForum demands plan of action
The civil rights watchdog AfriForum wrote a letter to...
AfriForum establishes branch in Polokwane
The civil rights organisation AfriForum founded a branch...
AfriForum lays criminal charges against 100 people for hate speech and incitement to violence
The civil rights organisation AfriForum this morning laid...
AfriForum lays criminal charges against Gauteng Department of Health and accomplices
The civil rights watchdog AfriForum today laid criminal...
AfriForum studies judgement in schools’ religion case – community’s right of choice of a school’s ethos must be protected
AfriForum believes that the judgement delivered today in...
AfriForum and Solidarity approach...