Media statements, blogs and reports
Click on any of the links below to download the applicable document.AfriForum elects new branch management in Germiston
The civil rights organisation AfriForum on...
Kimberley branch buys water tanks to tackle problems
The AfriForum branch in Kimberley purchased two...
Kempton Park neighbourhood watch helps to bust drug den
AfriForum’s Kempton Park neighbourhood watch on...
Struggling Eskom must leave state pensions alone
The civil rights organisation AfriForum today strongly...
AfriForum reports EFF at the Equality Court in relation to hate speech
The civil rights organisation AfriForum today submitted...
Poor landfill site management: AfriForum wins court case with cost
AfriForum’s Naboomspruit branch today in the...
AfriForum’s Kuruman branch erects stop sign at schools
AfriForum’s Kuruman branch this past week erected a stop...
AfriForum’s Upington neighbourhood watch apprehends suspect
AfriForum’s Upington neighbourhood watch apprehended a...
AfriForum successfully opposes relocation of mining community
The civil rights organisation AfriForum’s Naboomspruit...