by AfriForum | Aug 5, 2019 | Media statements, Local Government Affairs Media statements
The AfriForum branch in Vryburg, which includes Stella, is extremely concerned about the precarious circumstances in which the Naledi Local Municipality currently finds itself despite the fact that it was placed under business rescue. After the branch launched an...
by AfriForum | Aug 2, 2019 | Safety Media statements, Media statements
The civil rights organisation AfriForum expresses serious concern over reports that allege that the SAPS withdrew from the Johannesburg CBD riots to avoid bloodshed, without making any arrests. In essence, the SAPS therewith confirmed that their tactics with regard to...
by AfriForum | Aug 1, 2019 | Environmental affairs Media statements, Media statements, Neighbourhood watches Media statements
AfriForum’s Springs branch donated a new water pump to the Endicott and Vischkuil communities for their water cart. The branch decided to support the community because residents of smallholdings in the area must often face serious fires. The branch also bought a new...
by AfriForum | Aug 1, 2019 | Environmental affairs Media statements, Media statements
The civil rights organisation AfriForum on 25 July 2019 submitted criminal charges against Dr Imogen Mashazi, Municipal Manager of the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality. These charges deal with the poor municipal management and pollution of the Blesbokspruit. After...
by AfriForum | Jul 31, 2019 | Media statements, Local Government Affairs Media statements, Corruption Media statements
The civil rights organisation AfriForum today expressed its shock regarding Eskom’s latest record loss of R20,7 billion for the 2019 financial year until the end of March. The electricity giant’s debt now exceeds R440 billion. Dr Eugene Brink, AfriForum’s Strategic...
by AfriForum | Jul 31, 2019 | Safety Media statements, Media statements, Expropriation Media statements
The sheriff of the court and the SAPS started at the end of last week to remove illegal and unwanted structures from Mr. Fernando Goncalves’s land outside Rustenburg. This follows AfriForum’s urgent high court application in Mahikeng to obtain a court order to...