by AfriForum | Aug 3, 2021 | Safety Media statements, Media statements, Neighbourhood watches Media statements
The civil rights organisation AfriForum established a second farm watch in George on 30 July 2021. This farm watch is the organisation’s second safety structure that has been established in George. A third is also on the cards. The current Geelhoutboom farm watch has...
by AfriForum | Aug 3, 2021 | Media statements, Neighbourhood watches Media statements
On 30 July 2021 AfriForum’s Oudtshoorn neighbourhood watch took part in this civil rights organisation’s national patrol. The neighbourhood watch worked together with various safety organisations, security companies, the police, the local chamber of commerce and taxi...
by AfriForum | Jul 27, 2021 | Community Affairs Media statements, Media statements, Neighbourhood watches Media statements
On Saturday 24 July 2021 AfriForum’s Springs neighbourhood watch completely opened their hearts in the cold weather. After the neighbourhood watch’s visibility and crime prevention patrol, the neighbourhood watch members handed out 25 blankets on their own initiative...
by AfriForum | Jul 19, 2021 | Media statements, Neighbourhood watches Media statements
On 17 July 2021 AfriForum’s neighbourhood watch together with the local SAPS carried out a special operation. This operation included roadblocks throughout the town. The roadblock that was held at Atlas Road especially bore fruit when two unlicenced firearms,...
by AfriForum | Jul 14, 2021 | Safety Media statements, Community Affairs Media statements, Media statements, Neighbourhood watches Media statements
At a media conference held today, the Solidarity Movement encouraged its supporters to intensify their level of alertness, to remain calm amid the riots that are plaguing certain parts of the country, and to join their local neighbourhood watch. According to Flip...
by AfriForum | Jul 7, 2021 | Community Affairs Media statements, Media statements, Neighbourhood watches Media statements
On 5 July AfriForum’s Springs neighbourhood watch assisted the local fire brigade at a burning house. The local branch has a water wagon that is used for fire-fighting purposes. Unfortunately the house had already been engulfed in flames. The house consisted of five...