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AfriForum’s Upington branch helps clean up subway   

The AfriForum branch in Upington recently cleaned up the subway in the CBD in cooperation with Walker Midas and Sakkie se Arkie. This subway is located in the main street of Upington where many vehicles commute daily. Refuse heaping up in the subway presents both a safety and health risk to the community and it is essential to keep this area clean.

Upington’s fire brigade also participated in this project and burnt reeds – used as a hiding place by criminals – and refuse that was unable to be picked up.

The branch would like to thank Walker Midas, Sakkie se Arkie and the Upington fire brigade for their cooperation during the clean-up project.

Erica Strauss, Chairperson of AfriForum’s Upington branch, directed a challenge to the Dawid Kruiper Local Municipality after completion of the project to keep the rest of the town clean.

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