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The AfriForum branch in Springs on 28 April presented self-defence training to approximately 30 branch and neighbourhood watch members in the town.

“All South Africans must possess the ability to defend themselves. Dangerous situations can emerge at any time and therefore it is important for AfriForum that our members acquire this skill,” says Morné Greyling, Chairperson of the Safety Portfolio of AfriForum’s Springs branch.

According to Cornel Swart, Chairperson of AfriForum’s Springs branch, the civil rights organisation is planning on continuously presenting similar training in cooperation with various role-players. “Self-defence classes form part of the training which AfriForum’s neighbourhood watch members offer to the community with the aim of empowering residents to defend themselves better in dangerous situations.”

Become involved at your local AfriForum branch and neighbourhood watch: SMS “Buurtwag” to 45342 (R1).

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