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AfriForum’s Lowveld branches were hard at work these last couple of weeks to make a difference in their various communities.

In White River, both the branch and the neighbourhood watch assisted in building a structure similar to a cage at the local police station. Police pickup vans will thus in future stop inside this cage-like structure when dropping off prisoners; thereby the police can rest assure that prisoners aren’t able to escape. Branch and neighbourhood watch members even worked on this project during the evenings and made use of existing material to erect the structure and put up new fences.

“We are glad that we could tackle this project to help ensure the safety of our community,” says Johan Pelser, Chairperson of AfriForum’s White River neighbourhood watch. 

In the meantime the AfriForum branch in Nelspruit once again carried on with its continuous project to improve the Pro Gratia Learning Centre. The branch attended to the neatness of the site and also painted tyres to enliven the site.   

“The branch is planning yet another project to be held at the school on 18 May during which we will perform some work in the temporary classrooms whilst also doing some general repairs,” says Arno du Preez, Chairperson of the Youth Portfolio of AfriForum’s Nelspruit branch.

Those persons that want to get involved with this project can contact Du Preez at 063 757 3063.

Become involved at AfriForum’s Lowveld branches today: SMS “Nelspruit” or “Witrivier” to 45350 (R1).

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