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The civil rights organisation AfriForum established a branch in Randfontein on 7 February 2017. The establishment of this branch follows after community members expressed concern about certain problems in the town, among which safety and environmental issues, which need to be addressed.

The branch management consists of the following people: Matium van Vuuren (Chairperson), Jan Lubbe (Vice-chairperson), William Knight (Secretary), Teresa Lotter (Treasurer), Chris Fuhri (Head: Environmental Affairs), Beth Biggs (Head: Local Government Affairs), Lt. Col. Tewie Botha (Head: Safety) and Martin Botha (Head: Youth).

“We are proud to be part of the AfriForum family and are ready to address the problems in our community,” says Van Vuuren.

“The establishment of the branch was a huge success and the community is keen to participate and make a difference,” says Wico Swanepoel, AfriForum’s Provincial Coordinator for Gauteng South.

AfriForum is making a plea to the community of Randfontein to become part of the local branch.

Join today: SMS “Randfontein” to 45342 (R1).

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