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The civil rights organisation AfriForum established a branch in the northern suburbs of Bloemfontein on 29 June 2017. This stems from the need of community members of Noordhoek, Waverley, Bayswater, Helicon Heights and the Wild Olive Estate to address poor service delivery, safety issues and environmental problems in this city.

The branch management comprises Hannes de Beer (Chairperson), Hagen Binding (Deputy Chairperson), Yvonne Binding (Treasurer) and Lizelle Olivier (Secretary). Local Government and Environmental Affairs will be overseen by Cobus Coetzee, while Eben van Zyl will be responsible for Safety.

“It is heart-warming to see the community coming together to make a positive difference in their suburbs. It is our duty as civil rights organisation to make a real difference in our communities where local government fails to fulfil its duties,” says Pieter Myburg, AfriForum’s District Coordinator for Bloemfontein.

“We encourage the community to join the local AfriForum branch,” Myburg concludes.

Become involved today: SMS “Bloemfontein-Noord” to 45266 (R1).

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