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AfriForum considers legal action regarding CSA’s racially discriminatory hiring

The civil rights organisation AfriForum has instructed its legal team to investigate possible legal action against Cricket South Africa (CSA). This is in response to Cricket South Africa’s announcement that it will be committing itself to exclusively hiring black consultants in an effort to speed up transformation. This development was confirmed in a meeting with the Department of Sports and Recreation on Monday.

“Cricket South Africa’s decision to exclusively hire black consultants can in no way be regarded as anything other than unjustifiable racial discrimination,” says Ernst Roets, Head of Policy and Action at AfriForum.

“AfriForum takes a firm stand against any form of racial discrimination and will therefore take the necessary action in this matter. It is concerning that it has become common for some forms of discrimination to be excused and justified as “necessary” or “positive”. These are dangerous and blatant double standards that need to be opposed, and as a civil rights organisation AfriForum will do exactly that,” Roets concludes.


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