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AfriForum’s Hessequa safety structures receive training

The Hessequa branch’s neighbourhood and farm watches on 12 September participated in  various training modules, among which firearm handling, personal protection and self-defence.

Members of the Riversdale Central and Aalwynfleur neighbourhood watches, as well as the Albertinia farm watch were involved and received training to sharpen existing skills. Johan Crous, Chairperson of the Safety Portfolio of AfriForum’s Hessequa branch, presented the firearm training and Driekus Crous was in charge of the training with regards to personal protection and self-defence.

The members participated in, amongst others, a farm attack demonstration. Some of the women acquired skills necessary to fight back when someone attacks them with the intention to physically harm them. Legislation applying to the use of weapons, as well as the protection of property were explained and emergency plans and reaction to emergency calls were also discussed.

“It is of grave importance that each member of our safety structures is adequately prepared to counter any contingency threatening him- or herself or their loved ones or their property. Proper training gives you the necessary self-confidence to handle dangerous situations,” says Johan Crous.

“The challenges regarding safety are increasing daily. Communities can no longer wait that institutions such as the SAPS or security companies battle crime on their own. AfriForum is proud of our safety structures of the Hessequa branch and those dedicated members doing their part. There is never a better time than right now to become involved in your area to safeguard your community,” says Arno Greyling, AfriForum’s District Coordinator for the Southern Cape.

Become involved with AfriForum’s Hessequa branch today: SMS “Hessequa” to 45342 (R1).

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