Media statements, blogs and reports
Click on any of the links below to download the applicable document.Lockdown: Crime increases; neighbourhood and farm watches especially critical now
The civil rights organisation AfriForum is of the opinion that neighbourhood and farm watches must...
COVID-19 task team and Cradle of Hope work together to distribute food
The COVID-19 task team today continued supplying food to people in distress and combined forces...
AfriForum and Princess Gabo Foundation empower Tswana community to fight COVID-19
AfriForum and the Princess Gabo Foundation are empowering the Tswana community to fight COVID-19...
Application for leave to appeal in the BEE emergency fund matter
AfriForum and Solidarity today in the Northern Gauteng High Court served their applications for...
45% of businesses consider retrenchments; lockdown must be cancelled to prevent social disaster
45% of businesses consider retrenching their employees within the next three months as a...
SAPS provides answers about extension of amnesty after pressure from AfriForum
Brig. Lawrence Nkgweng replied earlier today to AfriForum’s letter to Bheki Cele, Minister of...
AfriForum approaches Minister regarding extension of amnesty period
AfriForum’s legal team today once again directed a letter to Bheki Cele, Minister of Police, to...
AfriForum demands answers on treatment of people in Emperors Palace quarantine facility
AfriForum directed a letter today to Patricia de Lille, Minister of Public Enterprises and...
Food distribution: Task team will continue to help relief hunger
The COVID-19 task team – comprising AfriForum, Saai and Solidarity Helping Hand – will continue to...