Media statements, blogs and reports
Click on any of the links below to download the applicable document.AfriForum requests reasons for police brutality on members of the tourism industry during peaceful demonstration
AfriForum today directed a letter to Lt Gen Yolisa Matakata, Western Cape Police Commissioner, in...
AfriForum demands answers about outstanding firearm licences
The civil rights organisation AfriForum haven’t received any correspondence from the SAPS and the...
Private Prosecution Unit intervenes after authorities fail to act against abuse of five month old baby
AfriForum’s Private Prosecution Unit assisted doctors and a social worker at a police station in...
AfriForum directs letter to Tshwane Metro regarding state of park in Valhalla
The civil rights organisation AfriForum on 23 July 2020 directed a letter to the Tshwane Metro...
AfriForum obtains victory over unfair lockdown arrests
The State withdrew its charges against an accused, represented by AfriForum's legal team, in one...
AfriForum’s Roodepoort neighbourhood watch arrests suspects
The AfriForum neighbourhood watch in Roodepoort on 20 July 2020 executed various arrests during...
AfriForum now has a quarter million members; growing strong during lockdown
The civil rights organisation AfriForum’s active membership has just passed the quarter million...
AfriForum requests urgent intervention at quarantine facility
AfriForum has just sent an urgent lawyer’s letter to the relevant authorities on behalf of a group...
AfriForum requests dismissal of Unisa-lecturer for gender and racial abuse of UCT professor
The civil rights organisation AfriForum today sent a letter to Dr Mandla Makhanya, the Principal...