Media statements, blogs and reports
Click on any of the links below to download the applicable document.AfriForum: ANC’s silence over own firearms indicates double standards
The civil rights organisation AfriForum demands clarity on the situation with regard to firearms...
AfriForum welcomes DWS’s decision to resume publishing of Blue and Green Drop report
AfriForum welcomes the Department of Water and Sanitation’s announcement on 29 June during a...
Institutions reject amendments to Equality Act
The civil rights organisation AfriForum submitted commentary on the proposed amendments to the...
Firearms: AfriForum submits commentary on and objections to proposed amendment bill
AfriForum today submitted its commentary on and objections to the proposed amendment bill to...
AfriForum requests explanation from Google for discrepancies in anti-minority discrimination in South Africa search results
The South African civil rights organisation AfriForum directed a letter to Dr Alistair Mokoena,...
AfriForum: Conviction of ex-president is a victory for justice
The civil rights organisation AfriForum welcomed the Constitutional Court’s ruling that found...
AfriForum’s Vanderbijlpark branch undertakes clean-up action
On 26 June 2021 the AfriForum branch in Vanderbijlpark together with members of the community...
AfriForum’s Brits neighbourhood watch apprehends suspects with the help of security firms
The AfriForum neighbourhood watch in Brits apprehended suspects at around 19:00 on 24 June in...
Minister implored to consider new evidence and recommend ivermectin for COVID-19
The civil rights organisation AfriForum and the I Can Make a Difference group of doctors today...