Media statements, blogs and reports
Click on any of the links below to download the applicable document.AfriForum’s Meyerspark neighbourhood watch patrols Wapadrand area
The AfriForum neighbourhood watch in Meyerspark on...
Malema security boss reported to private security governing body
AfriForum laid a formal complaint against Adriaan Snyman...
Johannesburg Mayor and Adv. Gerrie Nel to work together to fight corruption
Herman Mashaba, Mayor of Johannesburg, met with...
AfriForum Youth’s Maties branch cleans Jan Marais Nature Reserve
On 2 August 2018 AfriForum Youth’s Maties...
AfriForum addresses Vaal River disaster with activism, criminal charges and rehabilitations
Over the past months, the pollution of the...
AfriForum lays charges against Malema for firing off shots
The civil rights organisation AfriForum just...
Affected community members can claim due to Wapadrand power outages
Following regular power outages in certain Pretoria...
Ramaphosa should take IMF warning about property rights to heart
The civil rights organisation AfriForum believes Pres....