Media statements, blogs and reports
Click on any of the links below to download the applicable document.AfriForum’s Jeffreys Bay branch helps reduce traffic congestion
The AfriForum branch in Jeffreys Bay tackled a...
AfriForum submits proposals for IDP at eDumbe Local Municipality
The AfriForum branch in Paulpietersburg made...
AfriForum warns against disastrous consequences of expropriation without compensation at UN
Civil rights organization AfriForum today attends...
AfriForum helps to restore Tswaing’s water supply
Electricity supply to water pumps in the towns of the...
AfriForum raises its voice against racism
AfriForum submitted criminal charges at the police...
Charges against Malema: SAPS confirms handing over docket to NPA
AfriForum requested in writing that the South African...
Outrageous number of medical claims show merits and accountability lack in public health sector – AfriForum
The civil rights organisation AfriForum today expressed...
Vryburg’s drinking water unsafe
The AfriForum branch in Vryburg had the town’s drinking...
UFS takes short-sighted decision that Steyn statue must be relocated in the name of a caring project
The University of the Free State (UFS) today decided to...